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Not all terms on this list are recognized by the medical field. It was the intention of this guide to offer you definitions of terms you may encounter while exploring the vast amount of information available on the internet, or in speaking with others. This guide is a “not quite complete” list, as there are new labels frequently added and other labels further defined.
Sexual Orientations
Abrosexual – Sexuality is fluid and/or rapidly changing. Fluctuates between different sexualities.
Aceflux – Degree of asexuality fluctuates, sometimes you feel sex repulsed and sometimes you may not mind the idea of sex.
Aegosexual – See “Autochorissexualism”
Akiosexual – See “Lithsexual”
Allosexual – Someone who experiences sexual attraction, not asexual.
Androgynsexual – Feeling sexual attraction to androngynous people regardless of their physical genitalia.
Androsexual – Feeling sexual attraction toward males. May be used by genderqueer individuals as homosexual or heterosexual may not be 100% applicable.
Antisexual – General dislike of sexuality or sexual activity, including instances where other people are involved. Often accompanied by the belief that sex or sexuality in any form is “bad” or “wrong”. Antisexual views should not be confused with asexuality.
Asexual – A persistent lack of sexual attraction to any gender.
Autochorissexualism – Coined by Dr. Anthony Bogaert to describe the scenario where some ace people can be aroused by or masturbate to sexual situations or material, without experiencing attraction to those involved in the situation and without a desire to be personally involved in the situation.
Autosexual – Feeling sexual attraction only toward oneself.
Bisexual – The ability to feel sexual attraction to either males or females.
Demisexual – Does not experience sexual attraction unless they have already formed a strong emotional bond with the person. The bond may or may not be romantic in nature. Please note that there is a difference between demisexuality, which involves attraction, and “I don’t have sex unless I love someone”, which has to do with behavior.
Gray-asexual – May infrequently experience sexual attraction, may be unsure if they have, or may experience low sexual desire, yet will generally identify as being close to asexual.
Gynosexual – Feeling sexual attraction toward females. May be used by genderqueer individuals as homosexual or heterosexual may not be 100% applicable.
Heteroflexible – Identifying as more straight than bisexual, but may occasionally have sexual or romantic experiences with members of the same sex
Heterosexual – Feeling sexual attraction only toward members of the opposite sex.
Homoflexible – Identifying as more homosexual than bisexual, but may occasionally have sexual or romantic experiences with members of the opposite sex.
Homosexual – Feeling sexual attraction only toward members of the same sex.
Lithsexual – Experiencing sexual attraction without the desire for reciprocation; on the Asexual spectrum.
Monosexual – Umbrella term for people who are sexually attracted to only one gender.
Pansexual / Omnisexual – Feeling sexual attraction to anyone regardless of gender.
Polyamorous – Being in a romantic relationship with more than one individual at a time, may or may not be sexual as well.
Polysexual – Being in a sexual relationship with more than one individual at a time, may or may not be romantic as well.
Reciprosexual – Only feeling sexual attraction when you know a person is attracted to you.
Skoliosexual – Feeling sexual attraction only toward transgender, gender queer, and gender non-conforming people.
Romantic Orientations
Akioromantic – See “Lithromantic”
Alloromantic – Someone who experiences romantic attraction.
Androromantic – Romantic attraction to men.
Aromantic – No interest in experiencing or lack of an ability to experience romantic attraction.
Biromantic – Romantic attraction to both male and female genders.
Demiromantic – Does not experience romantic attraction unless they have already formed a strong emotional bond with the person.
Gray-aromantic – Very rarely feeling romantic attraction.
Gyneromantic – Romantic attraction to women.
Heteroromantic – Romantic attraction only to those of the opposite sex.
Homoromantic – Romantic attraction only to those of the same sex.
Lithromantic – Someone who experiences romantic attraction, but does not desire reciprocation.
Panromantic / Polyromantic / Omni-romantic – Romantic attraction regardless of gender identity or gender expression.
Queerplatonic relationship – A close relationship that does not fit within the traditional boundaries of a romantic or sexual relationship, yet is different than friendship. Often used in discussion of asexual relationships.
Romantic orientations can be combined with sexual orientations. For example, a homoromantic bisexual is someone who is capable of sexual attraction to both male and female genders, but is only romantically attracted to the same sex.
Gender Identities
Agender – Identifying as genderless.
Alexigender – Subset of Genderfluid where you’re aware your gender is changing but cannot label each individual gender.
Aporagender – Defines gender as “other” or apart from existing genders.
Androgyne – Identifying as androgynous.
Androgynous – Having a sense of gender or a gender expression that is ambiguous .
Bigender – Identifies as having two genders. Bigender people may identify as both simultaneously, or move between the two.
Cisgender – Identifying as the gender expressed by ones physical genitalia, also defined as identifying as the gender assigned at birth.
Crystagender – Gender randomly changes, but often feels broken or fractured between multiple genders.
Demigender – Feeling a partial, but not full, connection to a particular gender identity.
Demiboy – See Demigender; feeling a partial but not full connection to the male gender.
Demigirl – See Demigender; feeling a partial but not full connection to the female gender.
Demifluid – Someone who feels partially fluid with other parts being static. See Genderfluid for additional understanding.
Demiflux – Someone who feels partially in flux with other parts being static. See Genderflux for additional understanding.
Deminonbinary – See “Demigender”
Genderfluid – Moves between genders; gender is not anything that can be pinned down or defined.
Genderflux – When gender identity and/or expression changes over time.
Genderqueer – Umbrella term for gender identities that are non-binary or different from mainstream distinctions.
Graygender – Those who are ambivalent about their gender identity/expression. They may be unsure of their gender identity, or may not feel fully connected to any gender identity, yet they may identify at least partially with a non-binary gender.
Intergender – Identifying somewhere between the two binary genders of male and female.
Intersex – Having been born with ambiguous or both male and female genitalia and sexual organs.
Multigender - See “Polygender”
Mutogender – Subset of Genderfluid where gender changes depending on the situation.
Neutrois – An agender or neutral gender umbrella term which may include: neutral gender, null gender, non-binary, genderless, agender.
Nonbinary – Any gender identity that is not specifically male or female.
Pangender – Experiencing a wide variety of genders, some of which may be difficult to describe.
Paragender – Similar to Demigender; Identifying as almost nearly one gender, but also something else.
Paraboy – See “Paragender”. Feeling one’s gender is very near but not quite male.
Paragirl – See “Paragender”. Feeling one’s gender is very near but not quite female.
Polygender – Experiencing multiple gender identities either simultaneously or varying between them.
Transgender – Where one’s sense of gender does not match the genitalia they had at birth.
Trigender – Identifying simultaneously or shifting between male, female, and a third gender.