Serving Grand Traverse, Leelanau, Benzie, Kalkaska, and Antrim Counties ... and Beyond!

November 2017

In August of this year, Polestar was awarded a grant to pursue a unique educational opportunity with local LGBT+ teens. The program, for teens and by teens, intends to empower young people to take ownership of their own online safety.
Nationwide, LGBT+ teens are more likely than their hetero peers to fall victim to internet crimes. Right here in our own back yard, this statistic is no less frightening.
Polestar aims to join with local teens and local law enforcement to create a video PSA, print material, and wallet cards that tackle the problem head-on. At the end of the project, teens will be able to recognize online dangers, and know how to handle them; who to tell and where they can find safe spaces online and in the community.
We are very excited to be kicking off this program on Monday, November 6th and will have it wrapped up by spring. Keep an eye to our Facebook and webpages for more information as it develops.
Ready or not, the holidays are upon us! This time of year is for family, whether it be the one you were born with or the one you choose. With that in mind, we invite you as our LGBT+ family to our holiday gathering. Follow the event on Facebook for more details as they emerge, and mark your calendars for the following:
When: Saturday, December 16th, 6:00-8:00pm
Where: Traverse City Senior Center Event Space,
801 East Front Street

Do you have experience being on a Board of Directors? Don’t have experience, but have passion and a desire to serve your community? If you are interested in sitting on the Polestar Board of Directors, drop us a line and tell us a little about yourself (don’t forget to include your contact info!). Our email is info@tcpolestar.org. Board position openings begin in December 2017 and are for 1-3 years.